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<root>­/­mirrors­/­­/­compilations­/­modplanet­/­normal­/­cd2­/­music disks­/­pc­/­Wild Bits - Dawn Musicdisk/WB_ENG.NFO

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4 199 bytes (4.10K)
File date:
2010-07-26 23:04:26
Download count:
all-time: 239


                  DAWN MUSIC DISK
                 WúIúLúD   BúIúTúS

 Wild Bits is a new group borned in the Polytechnic
University of Valencia from a project begun by Awesome
and Madtronik, who met and decided to join as a group.

   We started to move in Internet as through all
  Demoscene world, developing our skills and getting
better; and all has happened in just 6 months, really
it has been difficult to be known. The most helpful for
 us has been the support of other groups when we were
just beginning and with a little of our Music Disk done.

 Our first appearance in demoscene was during the Fallas
   Party '97, held in Valencia, where Awesome music and
             graphics were congratulated.

    As we wanted to be known everywhere, we decided to
  contact who could help us to get further. Then we met
   NaIaD who coded our Web page and turned into a great
                coder for the group.

 meet us better !!!!!... AND LISTEN TO OUR MUSIC!!!!!

 Nowadays Awesome and Madtronik are proud to be in a
professional game programming group known as Exelweiss.
Karlesman was at Euskal Party '97 with us, where we
        finished our Music Disk.

 Wing Extrem
 Ace (Supporter)
 Karlesman / EXELWEISS (Supporter)

    These were the people who assisted to our first
             release of DAWN MUSIC DISK.
    (Finished on 27/7/97 at 5:30 am aprox.
        while at Euskal Party V)


 These are the rest of members of our group that
   sadly couldn't go to the EUSKAL PARTY '97.

Technical specs:

        - Supports and REQUIRES:
                SVGA 640x480x256 VESA
        - It needs 8Mb of RAM in order to run
        (It can work with less memory but
        we aren't sure)
        - It needs a mouse. ( If your mouse
        driver is old you may experience problems
        with the lower buttons of the Music
        Disk. You can solve this problem
        installing a mouse driver with a higher
        version number. In the majority of the cases
        all the mouse drivers are compatible
        with almost any mouse, so, you can
        get a mouse driver from any friend
        and surely it will work.)
        - If you have a sound card supported
        by Midas Sound System v0.6.1 you can
        enjoy the fantastic music composed
        by Awesome..

        Note: If your graphics card supports
        Hicolor but you don't want to see
        the intro with 32768 because it's
        slow you can put the "/nohi" argument
        in order to run the intro with
        simple fades in 256 colors.

Additional info (Patch 1.1)
        Due to the urgency in the finishing of
        this Music Disk in order to have an adequate
        distribution during the Party some bugs
        weren't detected when the Music Disk was
        first released. This patch fixes the majority
        of this bugs and also improves some aspects
        and adds some extra functionalities.

        The new characteristics are the following:

        - Now the pause works correctly (even with a GUS)
        and it don't returs to the beginning of the pattern
        every time. Thanks to the companions of TLOTB for
        their useful advices about how to solve this problem.

        - Version 0.6.1 of the Midas Sound System has
        been changed for the newer version 1.0 beta.
        It fixes some bugs of the older version
        and adds sound filtering capabilities. The
        Music Disk now has in the beginning a filter

        - Improvements in the timing of the intro (a limitator
        in the HiColor screens in order to avoid problems with
        VERY FAST computers) and in the final animation.

        - If you don't want to see all the text fading you
        can push the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON in order to avoid
        the fade and to make appear all the text at the moment.
        (A suggestion from our companions of TLOTB.)

                       \\ EUSKAL PARTY '97 //
                       \\ WúIúLúD  BúIúTúS //